DİŞSİAD, the Association of Dental Materials and Industrialists, has been increasing social and cultural solidarity among its members since 1996. By preventing unfair competition among members with similar work areas, DİŞSİAD has continued to be innovative and contribute to the sector's development by closely following industry advancements.

The founding members include: Ali ÇAKIR, Erol Daron KALK, Altan URAS, Arif SÖNMEZ, Naci BEKDEMİR, Ferizan PEKER, Zeki AKBAŞ, Selçuk SENEMOĞLU, Mehmet SARIOĞLU, Ali UZUN, Sami BOYACI, Ragıp GÖRELİ, Gökay SARAÇ, Arto BAPUÇOĞLU, Bilgehan UÇANOK, and Kenan KESME. DİŞSİAD was registered and began its activities in 1996.